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Call for Papers 

Extended deadline, Monday 8 June 2015


Registration Deadlines

Registrations for attendance (without paper presentation): From March 1st to September 28th (limited number of participants).

Registrations with papers presentations.(From March 1st to June 21st, 2015).


Registration Rates 

1. Free Registration (limited vacancies)

The registrations in this category should be sent to:, with your complete name and affiliation. 

 2. Paid Registration (Fee R$50,00). In this option you will be contemplated with two books (in Portuguese) from the previous Seminários Conexões. You can make a deposit or a money transfer to the Bank account below (please identify yourself in both cases):



Bank details

Bank: Banco do Brasil


Agency Number: 2447-3

Account number: (conta corrente) 12659-4

CNPJ: 51.916.153/0001-14



Conditions for paper submission (oral presentation)




We are accepting, preferably, panel proposals, which will be simultaneous in two hour sections. The decision about the final number of approved sections will be depend on the quality of the papers and the numbers of accepted submissions. 

We also can accept an individual paper, which will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and, if it is approved, the Organizing Committee will compose a panel with other papers submitted. 

The languages accepted for paper submission and presentation are: Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.

In the case of panels, each group registered must contemplate three or four papers (by different authors), which should be grouped by theme, research group or institution or another kind of connection appointed in the act of submission. The chosen theme will be the title of the panel, in case it is approved. 

Those who have the papers approved will have the time of 15 or 20 minutes for an oral presentation, with a general discussion after the three/four presentations of each panel.

The papers must be related with the general theme of the event and will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and by the Organizing Committee. 

Each person may submit up to two papers, as author or co-author, as long as they are submitted to different groups of three or four communications. 


Submission Requirements 


All the panels should have a first paragraph appointing the connection between the three/four presentations of the panel.

Each paper should be a title, an abstract up to 150 words and three key words. 


The presentations may come in several formats: letters, interviews, photos, drawings, poems, tales, papers, reviews, comments, notes, or still other alternative approach or format. The images must be preferably in .jpg (photo) or gif (drawing or trace), size 800x600 pixels (LxA), definition 300 dpi.

In the case of papers, the norms for the text formatting are: 


4.1. All the text must be typed in Times New Roman, body 12, space 1,5, top margin 2,5 cm, bottom margin 2,5 cm, left margin 2,5 cm, right margin 2,5 cm saved in word (.doc)

4.2 Each text should be 8.000 characters long (with spaces).

4.3. Os títulos e subtítulos devem se destacados em negrito.

4.3. The titles and subtitles should be typed in bold letters.

4.4. The citations (quotations) with more than three lines should be in a distinct paragraph, with the left indentation at 4,0 cm, Time New Roman size 11, single spaced (without quotation marks). 

4.5. In the citations, the author references, throughout the text, should be according to the model "Last name, date, page" (SILVA, 2001, p.55); different titles of the same author published in the same year should be indicated with the addition of one letter after the date (e.g.: SILVA, 2001a; 2001b…).

4.6. The notes, if necessaries, should be numbered sequentially and typed throughout the paper, as footnotes.

4.7. The bibliographical references should be typed in the end of the paper, in alphabetical order, following the norms of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABTN) (NBR-6023/2000). For example:

AGAMBEN, G. A comunidade que vem. Tradução de Antônio Guerreiro. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1993.

We should point out that the accuracy of the list of the references and the exact citation along the text a responsibility of the paper authors. 

4.8. Illustrations: tables, pictures, and figures should be in the body of the text. The illustrations (graphical, diagrams, drawings, maps, photographs, etc.) and the graphs should include their respective legend and titles, consecutively numbered. Besides, these archives should be the resolution of 300 dpi. 


In case of doubt, please consult the ABNT norms. 


The deadline for the proposals is May 31st, 2015, and they should be sent to:

The Scientific Committee will decide if the texts will be published in the journals Revista Linha Mestra or Revista Alegrar.



Panel Acceptance Notification: July 10th, 2015.

Criteria for the selection of panels:

Originality; contribution for the event theme; conceptual, imaginative and creative density; articulation between the different communications proposed for the composition of the group (panel).




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