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The VI Seminário Conexões has as theme "Deleuze and Machines and Becoming and...", because the Deleuzian thought is crossed by intensities that produces itself in the relation with the plane of immanence, the condition for the emergence and senses of difference and becoming. Machines because, from the aesthetical point of view, the news that emerge from significations that did not exist before depend on a creation effort between individuation and chaos, two concepts for which the concept of machines makes many others senses proliferate. 

The VI Seminário Conexões: Deleuze and Machines and Becoming and... is an articulation of the project "To interval the curriculum: the potencies of audiovisualities" (CNPq 484908/2013-8), with theoretical references to concepts of Gilles Deleuze and his Philosophy of Difference. This project, with a multi-disciplinary perspective, brings Brazilian and foreign researchers and colleges together, as it aims to approach both the contemporary theorization in the educational field – as it seeks connections between the curriculum studies, the philosophy of difference and the audiovisual studies, and for the applied proposition of the events of audiovisual pedagogies, in the interfaces of institutionalized and non-institutionalized educational settings. Its contribution is evident in the promotion of thought associating educational policies and the aesthetic and quotidian life. 




The Seminário Conexões, a moment and place for encounters and proliferations of philosophical-educative-artistic thought/ideas, comes to its sixth edition. In 2009, the I Seminário Conexões, organized by the Laboratory of Audiovisual Studies (research group OLHO) and by the group Differences and Subjectivities in Education (DiS), both from the Master's and Ph.D. Programs in Education of the University of Campinas, proposed connections between "Deleuze and Image and Thought and...". In 2010, the II Seminário Conexões, raised the theme "Deleuze and Life and Fabulation and...". In 2011, the III Seminário Conexões instigated the participants with the theme "Deleuze and Arts and Science and...". In 2012, the IV Seminário Conexões brought the theme "Deleuze and Politics and Resistance and...". The V Seminário Conexões discussed the theme "Deleuze and Territories and Flight and...". By choosing this concept of territory, the latter edition pointed out the geo-philosophical dimension that crosses the Deleuzian thought. It made a rhizome with the XII International Symposium of Philosophy Nietzsche/Deleuze. 




Abstract submission:

Extended deadline, Monday 8 June 2015

2015_Direitos reservados ao Seminário Conexões Deleuze

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